Process How Bullets Hit

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Before you read the Process How Bullets Hit it farther, you should first understand the parts of the bullet. A bullet consisting of several parts of the bullet projectile (bullet boy), shell casings, powder, and primer. The entire circuit is called ammunition. The term "bullet" actually only refers to part of the ammunition projectiles, or bullets fired by a child, and not the whole of the ammunition.

Bullet casings are objects that are containers that are wrapped around the bullet and projectile consisting of propellant (usually gunpowder), rim, and primers. Serves as the originator of the gunpowder explosion that drives the bullet with a projectile kinetic energy. Itself a new shell in the know on the use of modern firearms ammunition.

A cartridge containing the propellant without the use of projectiles are called bullets bullets bullets hollow or empty, at which time the primary shock, only sound will be an explosion in the absence of a projectile fired from a rifle. Hollow bullets are generally used when needed sound and flash of a firearm, without a dangerous projectile, such as for military exercises, in the filming, and the gun marker in the sport race. Although it does not contain a child the bullet, the bullet remains a dangerous vacuum. Hollow bullets can cause death if fired at someone in close proximity. Film starring Brandon Lee and Jon-Erik Hexum died from a firearm which use hollow bullets.

There is one other special types of ammunition that rubber bullets. Rubber bullet is a projectile made ​​of rubber or rubber-coated, fired from a firearm. Rubber bullets used as weapons are not lethal, but still able to penetrate human skin. Rubber bullets can still cause death if used at close range or exposed to such a vital part of the head. Rubber bullets, along with plastic bullets, candles, and wood, used at the time of the riots or demonstrations. First introduced by the government of the United States to block the anti-Vietnam War demonstrators in the 60's.

How to Process A Bullet Hit
1. Shells are airtight and will lock the combustion chamber ammunition from all directions except at the bottom of the sleeve.
    2. When the gun trigger is pulled, the trigger pin will hit the primary fire and trigger it.
    3. Sparks will occur due to a blow pin in the primary and will burn gas to gunpowder.
    4. The burned gases from the gunpowder push the projectile the bullet out of his sleeve.
    5. After the bullet removed, the pressure on the sleeve will be lost to make shell casings ejected from the combustion chamber.

Process How Bullets Hit

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Before you read the Process How Bullets Hit it farther, you should first understand the parts of the bullet. A bullet consisting of several parts of the bullet projectile (bullet boy), shell casings, powder, and primer. The entire circuit is called ammunition. The term "bullet" actually only refers to part of the ammunition projectiles, or bullets fired by a child, and not the whole of the ammunition.

Bullet casings are objects that are containers that are wrapped around the bullet and projectile consisting of propellant (usually gunpowder), rim, and primers. Serves as the originator of the gunpowder explosion that drives the bullet with a projectile kinetic energy. Itself a new shell in the know on the use of modern firearms ammunition.

A cartridge containing the propellant without the use of projectiles are called bullets bullets bullets hollow or empty, at which time the primary shock, only sound will be an explosion in the absence of a projectile fired from a rifle. Hollow bullets are generally used when needed sound and flash of a firearm, without a dangerous projectile, such as for military exercises, in the filming, and the gun marker in the sport race. Although it does not contain a child the bullet, the bullet remains a dangerous vacuum. Hollow bullets can cause death if fired at someone in close proximity. Film starring Brandon Lee and Jon-Erik Hexum died from a firearm which use hollow bullets.
There is one other special types of ammunition that rubber bullets. Rubber bullet is a projectile made ​​of rubber or rubber-coated, fired from a firearm. Rubber bullets used as weapons are not lethal, but still able to penetrate human skin. Rubber bullets can still cause death if used at close range or exposed to such a vital part of the head. Rubber bullets, along with plastic bullets, candles, and wood, used at the time of the riots or demonstrations. First introduced by the government of the United States to block the anti-Vietnam War demonstrators in the 60's.

How to Process A Bullet Hit
1. Shells are airtight and will lock the combustion chamber ammunition from all directions except at the bottom of the sleeve.
    2. When the gun trigger is pulled, the trigger pin will hit the primary fire and trigger it.
    3. Sparks will occur due to a blow pin in the primary and will burn gas to gunpowder.
    4. The burned gases from the gunpowder push the projectile the bullet out of his sleeve.
    5. After the bullet removed, the pressure on the sleeve will be lost to make shell casings ejected from the combustion chamber.

0 komentar, Hammer: This is a warning for the security forces; be careful storing firearms. You see, Gian, a child member of the Police Narcotics Unit Bripka Thunder Hammers, forced to deal with the law for shooting his friends, Jim, on Monday (18 / 4).

Information obtained SCTV said the shooting began when the Thunder went into the office without carrying a firearm. At the house, Gian was playing with Jim.

Seeing his father's gun in the house, Gian pick up and play. He also had directed the weapon towards Jim because she thought there was no bullet. Not surprisingly, when the trigger is pulled, the weapon turned out to remove the bullet and direct about the victim's forehead.

Wandi who suffered serious injuries, immediately rushed to the Hospital Bhayangkara Palu. He was in critical condition. According to doctors, the victim's head pierced by hot lead right from the forehead to forehead left until translucent.

Gian who were aged 15 years examined in Mapolres Palu. While Bripka Guntur, the gun owner, Central Sulawesi Police Propam checked for being careless storing of firearms.

Arrogant, to the Citizens Police Pistol Todongkan in Medan

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MEDAN - Brigadier-F, a member of the General Criminal Unit of the North Sulawesi Provincial Police, residents hardly be judged because of him pointing his gun toward the residents at Jalan Bunga Asoka Medan, North Sumatra, on Thursday evening.
Reckless police action stemmed from a trivial problem with a motor that pengedara 'menggeber' gas motor engine sound so loud in the direction of Brigadier F. Brigadier M's head even hit the driver is using a gun to his head hurt.
According to the victim, Ahmad Sobian Saragih, then he was riding his motorcycle at high speed, owing to want to pursue when breaking the fast at his residence not far from the scene. But, suddenly, the bike in front of him that was driving with his wife Brigadier F, brake suddenly and almost crash.
"I was speeding because he wanted to send in pursuit rada open at home. Suddenly a motorcycle in front of me braked suddenly. So, in addition to fitting the bike, I accidentally menggeber (Raising his voice a motorcycle), and passed. I think the problems are completed. But it was the police chasing me, "he explained at the scene on Thursday (04/08/2011).
Ahmad initially pleaded not know if that resisted a police officer, Brigadier-F because it was not being dressed duty. Ahmad admitted that race was involved at the perpetrator. "I got punched in the face. Yes I am back. But he said you no idea who I am, I'm a cop," said Ahmad echoed.
Once you know who resisted the police, Ahmad admitted directly to apologize and do not wish to continue the problem. But the dark eyes of the police was immediately slapped his firearm at the victim's head, which resulted in injury. Even the recognized Ahmad, Brigadier F call another friend.
"I've apologized and did not want to continue the problems. He nanya me, ye which kept my son told me, my people here. But he and his friends remained angry and hit me. I tried to get out and hit my head to use his gun," he said ..
Unwittingly, the actions taken by Brigadier M witnessed by residents about the incident. Residents who came were two men tried to intervene, but Brigadier-F instead directing his guns at citizens.
"So the people here know the averages with me. They try not to intervene because they saw no gun in the hands of police. But it turned out that the police actually directing their guns at us all (citizens)," he explained.
Seeing the action of an individual police officers, dozens of angry residents in cash and almost judge it. Luckily the head of the local environment directly securing both with his wife of Brigadier F. Until Thursday night, the residence of the head of an environment not far from the scene was surrounded by people upset. While the wound in the back of the victim's head hit the gun directly bandaged.


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Pistol merupakan senjata api yang bisa ditembakan dengan satu tangan.Kata 'pistol' mulai digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan senjata api genggam pada abad ke-18. Pada abad ke-15 pistol berarti sebuah pisau kecil yang bisa disembunyikan di dalam pakaian.

Pistol atau senjata api genggam dibagi menjadi dua jenis utama. Revolver, yang menggunakan kamar peluru yang berputar. Dan pistol biasa, yang kamar pelurunya menyatu dengan laras. Pistol menggunakan kaliber peluru yang bervariasi, dari .22 sampai .50 cal. ini ada beberapa urutan  jenis pistol terbaik di dunia menurut saya. Berdasarkan akurasi, daya tembakan, kapasitas keampuan dari setiap senjata. Berikut ini ada 10 jenis senjata api katagori (Pistol/Revolper)


Specification :
round box magazine/ semi-automatic


Feed system 12 or 16 round box magazine / semi-automatic

HS2000/Springfield armory / CROATIA

Weight : 0,89 kg
catridge : 9x19 mm
feed system : 9/12/13/16
round box magazine


Round box magazine/ semi automatic


box magazine/semi automatic

Round box magazine/ semi automatic

Round Magazine/ Semi Automatic


Round Magazine/ Semi Automatic


Round Magazine/ Semi Automatic


Round Magazine/ Semi Automatic