Arrogant, to the Citizens Police Pistol Todongkan in Medan

MEDAN - Brigadier-F, a member of the General Criminal Unit of the North Sulawesi Provincial Police, residents hardly be judged because of him pointing his gun toward the residents at Jalan Bunga Asoka Medan, North Sumatra, on Thursday evening.
Reckless police action stemmed from a trivial problem with a motor that pengedara 'menggeber' gas motor engine sound so loud in the direction of Brigadier F. Brigadier M's head even hit the driver is using a gun to his head hurt.
According to the victim, Ahmad Sobian Saragih, then he was riding his motorcycle at high speed, owing to want to pursue when breaking the fast at his residence not far from the scene. But, suddenly, the bike in front of him that was driving with his wife Brigadier F, brake suddenly and almost crash.
"I was speeding because he wanted to send in pursuit rada open at home. Suddenly a motorcycle in front of me braked suddenly. So, in addition to fitting the bike, I accidentally menggeber (Raising his voice a motorcycle), and passed. I think the problems are completed. But it was the police chasing me, "he explained at the scene on Thursday (04/08/2011).
Ahmad initially pleaded not know if that resisted a police officer, Brigadier-F because it was not being dressed duty. Ahmad admitted that race was involved at the perpetrator. "I got punched in the face. Yes I am back. But he said you no idea who I am, I'm a cop," said Ahmad echoed.
Once you know who resisted the police, Ahmad admitted directly to apologize and do not wish to continue the problem. But the dark eyes of the police was immediately slapped his firearm at the victim's head, which resulted in injury. Even the recognized Ahmad, Brigadier F call another friend.
"I've apologized and did not want to continue the problems. He nanya me, ye which kept my son told me, my people here. But he and his friends remained angry and hit me. I tried to get out and hit my head to use his gun," he said ..
Unwittingly, the actions taken by Brigadier M witnessed by residents about the incident. Residents who came were two men tried to intervene, but Brigadier-F instead directing his guns at citizens.
"So the people here know the averages with me. They try not to intervene because they saw no gun in the hands of police. But it turned out that the police actually directing their guns at us all (citizens)," he explained.
Seeing the action of an individual police officers, dozens of angry residents in cash and almost judge it. Luckily the head of the local environment directly securing both with his wife of Brigadier F. Until Thursday night, the residence of the head of an environment not far from the scene was surrounded by people upset. While the wound in the back of the victim's head hit the gun directly bandaged.

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